solar panels

Find resources on many energy choices, here on our site.

"Firewood Stacked Up to Dry Showing Annual Rings"
Image by Horia Varlan

Learn about buying, storing and safely burning firewood.


Making choices that save energy -- in your home, business or community -- can have a positive impact on the environment while also saving you money. In this section of our website, CCE-Wayne offers an array of resources that can help you learn about ways you can reduce energy consumption and use energy resources more efficiently.

Increased interest in solar power has occurred in Wayne County New York.  There are developers looking for farm and rural lands.  CCE is collaborating across the state to provide information to landowners.

For Q and A on solar leasing, please see the website from consultants from "Solar Land Lease".

CCE Tompkins has some excellent resources for solar energy - check them out.

CCE does not endorse any particular solar business or company, please check out all sources of information about solar leasing.

The New York State Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA) agricultural programs have sources available, below is a short overview of the programs.

  • Agriculture Energy Audit Program (AEAP): This program offers NY state farmers no-cost energy audits to help identify energy efficiency opportunities on their farm.
  • REAP Technical Assistance Program (RTAP): This program has been designed to assist farmers at no-cost to make applications to the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP). If awarded, farmers can receive up to 50% of the total project cost.
  • Energy Best Practices for Agriculture: The best practices have been developed to help educate producers about energy efficient technologies, how they function, the average cost, as well as an average payback in years.

More information below:

AEAP has over 1,400 applicants who have received technical assistance through the no-cost energy audits offered in the program. Once the energy audit has been completed, NYSERDA assists farmers to secure funding. Farmers are eligible to receive a no-cost energy audit every two years.

Through RTAP, farmers will receive hands-on assistance with updates to energy audits, completing REAP grant applications to apply for project funding, and assembling required supporting documentation. Through this program the farm will reduce energy costs and improve their bottom line through long-term energy savings.

Priority is given to those located in disadvantaged or distressed communities as defined by the USDA Rural Development Innovation Center.

To learn more about these programs, click here: Agriculture Energy Assistance - NYSERDA.

Last updated March 19, 2025