Volunteers are the heart of any organization and Cornell Cooperative Extension is no exception. We believe that everyone can help somewhere to make a difference for a community or in the life a child. Volunteers are a tremendous resource giving their skills and knowledge for the benefit of others in exchange for a thank you. If you have a talent or skill that you would like to share we would appreciate your help.
Prospective volunteers complete an application form. All volunteers will be asked to consent to a criminal background screening at Cooperative Extension's expense, as a means of ensuring the safety and security both of our volunteers and of the people we serve through our programs.
4-H offers youth aged 5-19 from throughout Wayne County a variety of special interest clubs, afterschool programs, short-term enrichment offerings, a public speaking program, summer programs, and MORE! There are many short- and long-term opportunities for volunteer involvement, depending upon the skills you care to share and the time you wish to commit to volunteering. For more information, contact Melissa Spoon at mss466@cornell.eduor (315) 331-4815 x113.
Training is offered in alternate years; call for information. The Master Gardener program, offered throughout the U.S. and Canada, provides avid gardeners with many hours of intensive home horticulture training. In return, they share their knowledge and enthusiasm for gardening with others by volunteering to assist with garden lectures, exhibits, demonstrations, school and community gardening, phone diagnostic service, research, and many other projects. Master Gardener Volunteers at CCE-Wayne staff a Garden Hotline and answer gardening questions for callers. For more information, contact Laurie VanNostrand at ljv8@cornell.edu or (315) 331-8415 x107.
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Wayne County provides equal program and opportunities. No person shall be denied employment on the basis of any legally prohibited discrimination involving, but not limited to, such factors as race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, or qualified disability.
Last updated March 18, 2025