Public Presentations

We have now wrapped up our 2024 Wayne County 4-H Public Presentations. Everyone did a wonderful job! Thank you to all of the volunteers who served as evaluators and helped make this year's event to be a success! 

The following youths are being recognized with a "Judge's Choice Award" for a phenomenal first presentation: 

  • Charlotte Dalton
  • Reagan Groover
  • Laina Spoon
  • Lillie Spoon
  • Kaleb Welch

We also want to congratulate the youths below who have been nominated to move on to the Finger Lakes District Public Presentations, which will take place April 20th: 

  • Keira Douglass
  • William Douglass
  • Carson Gansz
  • Elena Haffner
  • Marcus Haffner
  • Jake Kramer
  • Jenna Kuhn
  • Noah Lovell
  • Ivy Petrosky
  • Jonah Sartin
  • Alexis Schultz
  • Connor Schultz
  • Ethan Smith
  • Gabriella Williams

Hailey Kramer, Kelly Sanson, & Mina Talma did horse communications presentations at the county level, and have been invited to participate in the Finger Lakes District Horse Communications event (which is also April 20th).


<-- Interview information for the FL District Public Presentations event can be found to the left.


4-H Public Presentations is a program in which youth learn to create a presentation and develop the skills needed to present it before an audience. They learn about the research process and the steps needed to organize information into an interesting and creative presentation.

The public presentation program is one of the most beneficial and rewarding 4-H experiences. It is the one most often credited by 4-H alumni as having given them an edge above peers in both college and professional careers. It provides a unique opportunity to develop a positive self-concept and poise, gain self-confidence before a group, learn to express ideas clearly, respond spontaneously to questions, and gain subject matter knowledge. Through a progressive series of communication activities youth learn to express themselves and their ideas. New skills and more emphasis on delivery and “showmanship” are introduced each year.

Types of presentations include demonstrations, illustrated talks, demonstrations, speeches, horse communications, interviews, and impromptus! Cloverbuds can participate as well - this is a great opportunity for them to start getting comfortable speaking in front of an audience.

Public Presentation Days

Growth in communication skills requires practice and coaching. Public events called “Public Presentation Days” provide both. Here, 4-H members give their presentations in front of a small audience (usually other 4-H’ers and parents) and are evaluated by a volunteer, staff member, or 4-H teen. After each presentation the evaluator consults with the presenter offering praise, encouragement and suggestions for “making the best better.” Local Presentation Days are open to all members. Participation in presentation events held on the county, district and state levels is generally by invitation with achievement at the local level being one of the criteria.

Last updated April 7, 2024