Finger Lakes District 4-H Public Presentation Training

Welcome to the Finger Lakes District Public Presentation Training Website

The Public Presentations Program is one of 4-H’s most beneficial and rewarding experiences.  It is the one most often credited by 4-H alumni as having given them an edge above peers in both college and professional careers.  It provides a unique opportunity to develop a positive self-concept and poise, gain self-confidence before a group, learn to express ideas clearly, respond spontaneously to questions, and gain subject matter knowledge.  Through a progressive series of communication activities, youth learn to express themselves and their ideas.

The purpose of this website is to familiarize you with scoring Public Presentations using a Rubric specific to each category.

It is our suggestion that you:

  • Choose a category
  • Print and review the rubric and score sheet
  • Watch a video & score it
  • Compare your scores with those posted

*note the sample scores sheets were judged by two separate evaluators and scores vary. This should be expected and can lead to discussion in your group training.

Illustrated Talk


Dramatic Interpretation






Last updated August 18, 2022