How We Work

Updated 4 Yr Plan of Work:  2021 - 2025

After a 1.5 year process, CCE Staff and the Board of Directors is proud to present the 4 year Plan of Work for Cornell Cooperative Exension Wayne County.  Input was gleaned from focus groups, input from participants and feedback from our on line survey.  

This plan, from 2021 - 2025 will guide the program and activities of staff, volunteers and committees.  While this document provide guidance, actual programs and activities may change based on the immediate needs of the community - like our flex of activities during COVID and distance learning.

The Plan of Work is our working document incorporating community needs with activities and issues that are appropriate to CCE Wayne and all of the related extension teams that work with CCE: Lake Ontario Fruit Team, Cornell Vegetable Team, NWNY Dairy, Livestock and Field Crops Team, Finger Lakes Grape Program, Finger Lakes Eat Smart New York,  and our local 4-H, Ag, Master Gardner and Community Development programs.   Our current documents, adopted by the BOD in 2021 are listed below. 

Please let us know if you have any questions,

Program Delivery

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Wayne County uses a number of methods to create learning partnerships and conduct educational programs. These methods include:

  • Volunteers are trained to work with program participants. This includes 4-H Leaders, Master Gardeners, Master Food Preservers, Family Budget Counselors, and Cornell Cooperative Extension Boards and Committee members.
  • Publications produced include newsletters, fact sheets and bulletins with up to date information on topics to aid you and your family or business.
  • Information technologies available to local county residents include the World Wide Web access, distance learning and satellite conference system. Outreach efforts allow for global exchange of ideas and knowledge.
  • Group education efforts include clubs, discussion groups, seminars, classes, forums, and clinics for youth, adults and businesses.
  • Tours and field trips provide participants with on-site educational opportunities for learning.
  • Networking and collaboration result in the application of Cornell Cooperative Extension expertise to assist people through community agencies, boards, and local government.

Last updated March 18, 2025